
Hi, I'm Shivam. I'm a front-end developer/designer passionate about crafting captivating user experiences through code and design, with a solid grasp of back-end tech.

About Me

Hey there, I'm Shivam—a web developer and designer passionate about crafting exceptional online experiences. I began this journey as a self-taught enthusiast and quickly fell in love with the creative and technical aspects of the field. From mastering HTML and CSS to diving into JavaScript and beyond, my journey has been a constant learning curve.
I'm not just about the code; I'm all about creating seamless solutions that balance functionality and aesthetics. I thrive on paying attention to the finer details, ensuring pixel-perfect results. Additionally, I've ventured into UI/UX design using tools like Figma, focusing on designs that not only look good but also enhance the user's journey.
Known for my reliability and knack for problem-solving, I tackle challenges head-on. Whether working solo or with a team, my goal is to make the web a better place, one project at a time.
Got a big idea or project in mind? Let's chat! I'm eager to bring my skills, creativity, and a dash of tech magic to your table. Let's create something amazing together! 🚀

My Projects

Genie AI SaaS

Genie is a cutting-edge AI SaaS app powered by the ChatGPT API. It has the capabilities for chat, code, image, audio, and video creation.

  • React
  • Next.js
  • MySQL
  • TypeScript
  • Tailwind
  • Prisma
  • Stripe
  • Clerk
  • ChatGPT

Gift Seeker

It is a one-stop site to buy gifts from the internet, it was one of my first projects.

  • React
  • TypeScript
  • Next.js
  • Tailwind
  • Strapi
  • Clerk
  • PostGresQL

Restaurant App

A restaurant webapp with functionality for reserving a table and ordering food online.

  • React
  • Next.js
  • JavaScript
  • Tailwind
  • Figma

My Skills

My Experience

Contact Me

Please contact me directly at or through this form.